Can be applied any time of year but I usually apply it in the spring. I'm often asked "What does lime do for my lawn?" Put simply, lime makes your soil less acidic. If the soil your lawn is growing in is too acidic, the grass plants won't be able to properly utilize the fertilizer and other nutrients in the soil, resulting in an unhealthy, less green lawn.
I take a soil sample from your lawn and do a simple pH test. This tells me exactly how much lime your lawn needs. The type of lime I use is a premium pelletized lime. You will notice that after an application of this lime your lawn will not look powder-white like it does with ordinary lime. When they manufacture pelletized lime they take the powder white lime and encapsulate it into a clean pellet.
The reason I use pelletized lime is that, unlike ordinary powder lime, pelletized lime is nice and clean and doesn't stain anything. If the ordinary powder lime gets on your driveway it leaves a stain that is almost impossible to clean off, but the pelletized lime that I use cleans off easily with a gasoline blower, which I will always do for you.